![]() ![]() SA Artists in London TROUT BLAST (FROM THE) REPUBLICA (OF SA) Sons of Trout @ The Kings Head in Fulham 13 July 2002 If you only see one gig this year, you should be ashamed of yourself. However you could be marginally forgiven if you make that gig a Sons of Trout one. The crowd that gathered at Kings Head in Fulham where treated to one of the hottest gigs I've seen in London, and that's not just because Saturday night was this year's summer here. The group oozed confidence and were slicker than teflon off a duck's back. With the added bonus of bassist supremo Schalk Joubert, the band blasted their way through hits like 'Extra Larry' and '2Face', shoo-be-doo'ed through the swinging 'Luscious Lipstick Lady', motormouthed through various other songs and brought succour to the homesick with the stunning jazzy 'Kom Psalm'. No matter what style they played, they played with style. A number of venues in London are run by a group called the Mean Fiddler, and although the King's Head is not one of them, we did witness a decidedly mean fiddler in Mike 'Renwah' Rennie. This man knows how to make a violin rock, not a talent that is found very often. His deft touches produces some interesting sounds that added to the already impressive body of sound eminating from the stage. Lead singer Mike Hardy's relaxed style meant that the group quickly connected with the audience and maintained their undivided attention throughout. With their gig tonight, Sons of Trout have spawned a faithful London following, and with their caviar attitude, they are a must see. Back to Archive Index Page