![]() ![]() SA Artists in London ORREL SETS Johannes Kerkorrel @ The Shepherd's Bush Walkabout 2 July 2002 It felt a bit like a wedding at the Shepherd's Bush Walkabout tonight as we had something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. A lone figure on stage with only a keyboard and guitar for props, Kerkorrel began by playing a lot of material that will feature on his soon to be released album 'Die Hart is 'n Eensame Jagter'. Prefacing each song with a short introduction about the inspiration, he sang songs about things South African. Most of these were performed to piano sounds from the keyboard. Unfortunately, due to a number of people at the back of the venue insisting on talking, the lyrics were difficult to hear, which was a pity as this is a fundamental part of Kerkorrel's appeal, and it was through no fault of his own. The songs did sound melancholic, leaving one feeling a little blue, but in a nice way. Like most established artists, it's the old stuff that the audience want to hear and with Kerkorrel this was no exception. When he had run through the new material, he took requests from the audience. Almost all the requests were for material from 'Eet Kreef', his debut album. He obliged with an updated version of 'BMW', a beautiful acoustic version of 'Hilbrow' and a piano rock version of 'Sit Dit Af'. These were more warmly received than the new songs, but that proves the old saying 'familiarity breeds content.' This gig would probably have been better in a more intimate venue as Kerkorrel did seem a bit isolated on the stage, but this did not detract too much from the show which was professionally executed and enjoyed by all. As for the something borrowed, well he did do a cover of Koos Kombuis' 'Onder in My Whiskeyglas'. Back to Archive Index Page