The South African Rock Encyclopedia
The South African Rock Encyclopedia | | South African Music Mixes


South African Rock and Pop Music: past, present and future

The South African Rock Music Digest (fondly referred to as "The SA Rock Digest" or simply "The Digest") was a weekly, free subscription e-mag about South African rock and pop music published from 1999 to 2004.

Founded on 27th January 1999 by Brian Currin and Stephen "Sugar" Segerman.

Re-established in 2009, as part of Sugar Music, embracing social media tools and platforms.


The South African Rock Music Digest Archives [1999-2004]


This online resource was made possible through the tireless, passionate, and consistently accurate contributions of a large number of people. These included John Samson, Kurt Shoemaker, Tertius Louw, Shiloh Noone, Benjy Mudie and many others. We the editors, Brian Currin and Stephen Segerman, acknowledge these immense contributions and thank each and every one of those mentioned for helping to build this archival monument to South African rock music of the past.

All of the content contained within the South African Rock Music Digest & Encyclopedia is copyright protected, so if any of this content reappears on any other medium, it should please be with the appropriate by-line and back links.

Brian Currin & Stephen "Sugar" Segerman